4 Science-Backed Health Benefits for Going Organic

The organic food industry is a booming business, and with the recent sale of natural-foods giant Whole Foods to Amazon, it’s expected to grow even larger in the near future. While some consumers buy organic because they believe it’s better for the environment, even more do so for health-related reasons, according to one 2016 survey.…

Organic FAQs

While many people are jumping on the organic bandwagon, what do we really know about the organic food industry? Click here to check out some frequently asked questions from the Organic Farming Research Foundation.

Natural Remedies For Summer Poison Ivy

For those who spend a lot of time gardening or hiking in the outdoors, stinging nettles, poison oak, poison sumac and poison ivy are well-known foes. Spending any time outside, it is almost inevitable that you’ll end up inflamed and itchy at some point. But luckily, there are plenty of natural remedies to ward off the worst…